In consideration of the engagement as a model, and for other good and valuable consideration here in acknowledged as received, I hereby grant of the photographer, his/her Authority and permission (collectively "photographer), The absolute right and permission to copy reuse and publish photographic portrait or pictures of me Including video footage in which I may be included, in whole or in part, or composite or distorted in character or form, without restriction as to changes or alterations from time to time, in conjunction with my own or fictitious name, or reproductions there of in color or otherwise me through any medium at his/her Studio or elsewhere, and in any and all media now in here for art, advertising. trade or any other legal purpose. I also can send to the use of any printed matter in conjunction therewith.
I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect or improve the final product or products or the advertising copy or print material that may be used in connection there with where they used to which it may be applied.
I hereby release, discharge and agreed to hold harmless photographer from any and all liabilities that has or may occur or be produced in the taking of said pictures or any subsequent process there of, as well as any publication thereof.
I acknowledge I am 18 years old ( or wave with parent/guardian approval and have the right inability to consent to the terms here in, and further, that I am authorized and able to sign on behalf of all persons listed above as model.
I have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this release. I understand that I am and maybe giving up certain legal rights by signing this release.
3MI Photography sure own the copyright in all images created and shall have exclusive rights to use the images to make reproductions and for advertising purposes.
The client may not make reproductions of these images taken by 3Ml Photography to be used for other than personal use the client will not have the right to sell photographs are into the images in photographic contests or exhibitions without written consent of 3Ml Photography, this includes membership sites (i.e. Onlyfans, Patreon).
Social media: no image may be edited or altered without permission from 3Ml Photography. The cropping of the 3MI Photography logo is strictly prohibited.
Credit and proper tagging of all images on social media should read as follows: Josh Triggs - 3M Photography.
I have been made aware that images will be returned in up to 4 weeks and the number of edits returned is based solely on photographers discretion.
I have been made aware that the model will receive no images if monetarily compensated